Growth as we know is a function of time and the higher you go the more schooled about life you become. But growth escapes when one declines to follow freely the lessons being taught step by step, a little here a little there, life can be likened to the rainbow that look so admirable but encapsulated and engraved in it is a secret code and interpretation only to the brave and sensitive. Each colour depicts a sign, mystery, lesson and a symbol.

Life makes a man metamorphose into an image unimaginable except and except a man carefully crafts a slate which he wants to look into as a guide. Life is not for the unprepared for it sometimes dishes out blows to be returned by the strongest and experienced. 

As a man grows older, he discovers new aspects of life which leads to the unveiling of treasures embedded in constant Learning. No wonder a man once said “you stop to learn, you start to die". Learning brings about a specific knowledge profitable to lead and direct the wise and only a fool will despise it (Proverbs 18:2).

From the state of tabula rasa to the stage of being a toddler to teenage hood and to being an adult, life teaches at each level that wisdom is increased by training and giving ears to counsel. At every facet of life/stage, any training ignored or trashed transforms into a deformity which can never be recovered from for a life time. The image of a Larva comes to mind. In its tender stage, it is fragile, helpless but it must be allowed to deliberately undergo the dynamics of a tiny little living thing into a floral & admirable butterfly. It's admired by all in the end. but do you know that any attempt to help it out of its process of transformation and growth will lead to its deformity?? Even so is the human being. Any attempt to disrupt the growth process in the womb is tantamount to abortion i.e. termination of a life.

Every process in life is a growth medium to greatness. So everyone must embrace it knowing fully well that an individual is an end product of the dynamics of life. You try to escape growth, you embrace deformity and a stunted growth for life.

Life is not a jungle or puzzle or a death promise. Neither is it an uncertainty that must be accepted. It is a gift to be enjoyed and controlled once the godly rules are discovered and appropriately applied. It's a call to enjoy its dynamics!!!


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