From the Desk of D-Tracts (Analysis of the story series - Experience Vs Reality)

The story series Experience vs. Reality is an informative and educative prose with the aim to enlighten parents on passing on values of life to their children. Some lessons learnt in life are meant to teach an individual and properly guide such along life’s journey. However, it might not necessarily apply to another person and that’s because paths are different and quite distinct.

This is displayed in the Family of Mr. Albert. His lesson in life made him take some decisions that went a long way in shaping his immediate family and his young daughter Christy. He made a mistake as a young boy out of improper guidance and carelessness so to speak. Young Albert got into trouble as a result of bad company which in turn put his fathers in a bad state of health. His father eventually died and his mother couldn’t bear the pain it cost her so she also died later. This left young Albert an orphan as a very young boy.

The story is a vivid display of how the mistake of the past has the ability to affect the future of not just an individual but a lineage if care is not taken. This calls to mind the significant role of parents in the lives of their children in properly handing down values and not mere impressions from their past.

Without any doubt, this could have ruined the chances of friendship between Christy and other who made her life better in the end.

From my angle of thought, I would indulge parents and guardians to apply wisdom and serious caution in what is instilled in the minds of young ones. This is because, children born into any family are dependents and they rely on them till they are mature enough to determine what path they will go in life.

It is also pertinent to state here that parents should make it a point of duty and necessity to engrave in their children virtues and values that will make them distinct from other where ever they find themselves. Good character in a child speaks volumes of what training such has received from home and also the level of standard of such parents. Christy’s display of maturity and good behaviour drew good friends to revealed deficiencies in other by mere observation from other students. And this is worthy of praise from any child. Money, firm, fortune, luxury and comfort is not all a child needs in the process of growth though it can’t be denied that they are all important but good character and sound moral values sustains them all.

It is popularly said that charisma will take a man high but character will sustain such. So proper upbringing of a child whether male or female introduces a family unknown to others, displaying defects or perfection.

An African adage says that when a fish is bent and dried on fire, it can never be straightened again otherwise it would be broken. Another saying also says that an arrow shot to a distant place can’t be chased. This means that the earlier a child is taught properly before he grows up and leaves the home, the better for that child outside the home.

Every child should be a good image of any family irrespective of societal status and tribe as displayed in the life of Bella, Christy’s friend.


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