You’ve had moments when you weep endlessly and sort for answers about your existence. Doubts flooded your weary soul, the outcome of crisis that never ceased in the home of your birth.
You have tried on your own to figure out the uncertainties of your future and reasons why you act the way you do. But it was all a fruitless adventure. Lost in thoughts of why you act the way you do, you embarked on a journey of self-discovery, researching and consulting books but your life was never written in those.

Living in a world surrounded by precepts and models, you had to conform and strictly adhere to them line upon line, back to back a road you knew not the end.

You learnt trust on an empty slate, in a dark room and on a lonely high way caged in a unique world of your own. But deep down, you knew you were loved for whom you are by your potter who was letting no stone unturned in fashioning you to that perfect picture his mind's eye has seen.

It seemed like an endless and difficult journey to you but it was the safest path and route to your future destination.

Yes, indeed you were caged just like a bird without freedom like the others. The tough trainings became unbearable and you just wished someone somehow would come to your rescue.

Soaring so high was an innate character but you had to learn the step by step rudiments of flying first of all. Well equipped with all it takes to be distinct in the sky, fear and doubt was inevitably present but you had to pick up faith and courage as a counter attack to get the desired result.

Love was lavished on you without limits but the unbearable conditions at the time completely blindfolded your sights so that all you saw was hatred and injustice instead. The reality of love became too big to swallow but yet it was so true and out of a pure heart.

Eventually, this caged bird finally was let out of the cage and given freedom with enough lessons to hit the outside world. You came out timid, secretive, emotional, angry, fearful, unsocial and different from all others of your specie. Nevertheless, after a period of time, you learnt to be that strong, tough, well caved entity ready to face the wider world.

At last you smile and realized that the caging with all the preceding discoveries were potent and necessary in the end. You had been properly thought and nurtured and now appreciate the eagle and eaglet that schooled you on how to soar high in the sky without limits.

Just like an arrow, you were shot and it was sure that the arrow will never waver or miss its target in years to come.

That caged now stands tall amidst other and all can say that indeed, the process so far is a fruitful venture and that the benefits of being caged in discipline at the beginning is much more profitable than freedom from the start.


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