What Nigerians don't know about elections

What Nigerians don't know about elections
This article is focused on enlightening my dear Nigerians who are eligible voters that come 16th February, our fate as a nation lies in our decision to vote in who will represent us well as a country and lead us to the very place we desire.
I'm aware of so many controversies and disputes all over the country and I'm not here to side any political party.
My concern is for the poor in our midst, the future of our great nation and the born/unborn children.
As voters, if we realise that we are so powerful by reason of our votes, we will consider its impact on our children and vote right without any centiment attached.
Personally, I'm in support of the right person irrespective of what party they belong.
Most times when I drive through points where newspaper vendors display, I see the young and old argue and even fight sometimes about things they have little or no clue about as it concerns politics. There is a lot going on backstage compared to what we have access to on Television and newspapers.
Why do we fight each other because of difference in what we believe? Why have we allowed these selfish politicians put division between us? Why have we give our power to those who are so desperate to destroy our country? Why have we exchanged and mortgaged our peace and progress of years to come for regrets and hardship when we can say no to poverty by voting right? There is no such thing as voting your conscience but voting right because what we call conscience can be corrupted by another man's conviction imposed on us.
The problem we have is that we know the truth of who can transform our country but we fear,oh! we fear that they have the supreme power to be in power without or without our votes so we all have resorted to totally letting go.
I was discussing with a loved one on social media about her stance as it concerns the candidate of her choice and sadly,this is what she said "we all know who should be there really, but who will vote them in? Who we know should be in the helm of affairs is not in any of the most popular political parties in our country. We don't want to waste our votes so let's vote the lesser devil in and trust that he will change and give us what we desire. The truth is that we can't really get who we need in that seat, Yea but the parties got a stronghold in this country. Though none seem to be the best. The fact is that, you stand a chance to get d seat if you affiliate yourself with one of these popular parties".
My anger is why have we sold our power to these parties who have become so powerful? Why can't we go beyond parties to voting for a candidate's credibility and excellent personality?
These so called parties and stronghold have supporters who are ready to die for them that's why they have become so strong and unmovable. But if they don't have supporters and loyalists, they won't be so strong and act with impunity.
The zenith seat of our country needs someone who has the very interest of our great nation at heart. Someone who loves the people irrespective of their ethnic groups and diversities. Someone who will be ready/courageous enough to stand against and uproot these strongholds who have messed up our country's system. Someone who will make life really easy for the common man. Someone who will care for the less privileged in our midst and encourage creativity/excellence.
We need a man with an excellent spirit and wisdom. We don't need any political party to give us just any man, we need Nigerian voters to vote in that one man and not a lesser devil making us be at their mercy all the time.
No! we must refuse to be at their mercy this time. Let's take our destiny as a nation in our hands and stand together to fight those who want to put our country to ruin.
Vote right!
Vote  for excellence!
Vote for progress!
Vote for peace!


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