Val's Day as its popularly known, is believed to be lovers day.
It's remarkable for the display of red, the colour of love. Gift exchange usually follows this widely recognized day even in some corporate offices.
But my issue with Val's day is not far fetched.
Back in my secondary school days, it was a day for immorality, wild parties and games that corrupt any innocent mind. I never attended any of those parties anyway, I mean, I dare not because from home Dad taught and warned us not to ever be a part of such. So engaging in any act all in the name of Val's day was totally out of the picture.
As beautiful young girls and boys,I'm sure some of us got gifts from secret admirers. We couldn't even reject them because one couldn't know who gave them to you. Your gift could be under your locker, in your bag unknowingly,etc. We hid such gifts from Dad and Mom. You are dead meat if you are caught with anything they didn't buy for you back then.
I also recall that names are put in a box and whatever name you pick is called your Val. This implies that you get such person a gift on Val's day(Feb 14).
I did a little study about Valentine's day and found out that Saint Valentine was a young Priest who meant well.
Although there is a mystical or rather,fetish practice/festival associated with this day, I would rather stay on the positive for the purpose of the aim of this article. Click here for detailshttps://www.history.com/topics/valentines-day/history-of-valentines-day
In the bid to liberate young soldiers from not being married, he secretly conducted secret weddings for them. The Emperor at that time  believed that unmarried young men made better soldiers. He also believed that having a family was a distraction to the young soldiers so he made a decree to ban them from getting married. Click here for detailshttps://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/16945378
Saint Valentine saw this as injustice so he wedded them secretly.
Its documented that Valentine was imprisoned and later killed for that reason.
While in prison, he fell in love with the Jailor's daughter and just before he was put to death, he wrote her a love letter and at the end the letter he wrote" from your Valentine ".
It was then marked all over the world as lovers day. It was basically a day to send card and gifts to loved ones (family, friends and neighbors). But today its a day when young boys and girls engage in illicit activities and thereafter justify it.
In the town I grew up, most halls were booked prior February 14th to hold  parties. Parties that defile young and innocent teens.
Parties that leave a terrible memories and mock the purpose of the day.
Parties that swerve great lives and destinies to doom.
Parties that damage and destroy the young and probably leave them with the scare of an unwanted pregnancy.
Every time Val's day draws neigh, I fear for teenagers and the future of our dear world.
Saint Valentine didn't want it to be marked that way.
He wanted a pure and true expression of love from the heart without wicked strings attached.
I'm particularly sad about the outcome of the day because I have met and know young people who have fallen victim of this Val's day madness. Some died from accidents on thier way to a distant state to celebrate the day with their lovers, others got pregnant and till now have refused to recover from the pain it caused them and others totally lost on the road to achieving all their big and realistic dreams that would have been a solution to the problems facing our world today.
On the other hand, it can be a day to make a lasting impression of sincere love on those who can never pay you back for showing them unconditional love.
Saint Valentine meant well. His expression of love didn't harm anyone.


  1. Nice article. Though I'm not a fan of Valentine's Day

    1. Yes. people over emphasise it and kill d whole meaning.
      Tnx so much


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