
Showing posts from March, 2020

The plight of a Lagos mother: a cry for help!

Since the discovery of COVID-19 VIRUS in Nigeria, life has not been the same for Lagosian especially. The fear of the unknown and the scare from all the cases around the world so far has made people extra careful. Now, the first case was recorded in Lagos and this increased the fear and tension in the hearts of many😥🥶😨 Last week, the Government did good by announcing that schools will be shut down till further notice to keep our young and innocent children safe👶👧🏻🧒🏻👦🏻. Later on, government also instructed that government establishments be shut down. Which is very commendable. I have been home with my daughter since last week. Yes, you can say that we have been in self isolation🤣🤣🤣🤣. Anyhow, we are staying safe while we keep Faith strong💪🏼💪🏼 With little or no statement about private companies and all. This gets me thinking, could it be that The government don't care about the workers in the private sector of our country?🤔😟🙄 Here are my concerns: I kn