My first few days of COVID-19 lockdown in experience

Who wouldn't wish to have a good and quality time with his or family anyway?πŸ‘¨‍πŸ‘¨‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘§
At first, this STAY AT HOME thing was exciting although I miss work, my wonderful colleagues and all of that. But right now my people ehn, e wan dey be like say e no funny again oh! Ha!!!πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜Ÿ
But for others, nothing really changed ooh! They seriously still work from home.

For some people like me e pass work from home sef. Its operation WORK AT HOME and WORK FROM HOME😭. Staying at home is hard work itself!😭😭. As a wife and mother, I have to cook, wash, clean the house almost every other time because my small madam has a degree in scatterology and messiology. Meanwhile, during work day, food is twice a day na, cleaning is maybe twice a week sef, not so many dishes to wash every day but now, house chores are perpetually waiting and smiling at me😭😭

Wait let me gist you! Hmmmm! I have a toddler, a very active and agile one at that. And you know what, she misses schoolπŸ˜…πŸ˜… she came to me last week and said, "mummy, Aunty Fumi, Aunty Sana, Aunty Rose! Aha! My people, those are the names of her two teachers and the cleaner in her class,lol. It was so funny! I had to call one of them as I didn't have phone numbers of the others so that I can have peace. She was so excited to hear her teacher's voice when I gave her the phone. Oh my God, so this child miss school this much?
All the, come back here! What are you doing there? Drop that plate! Leave the kitchen! Open your mouth and eat your food! Pick that up! Ha! Plenty talk has made my voice deep like a teenager that has reached puberty. Her teachers dey try gan🧐😟. Yet I'm enjoying it all. She has become the unpaid artist of the highest order. She can paint anything in the house with her colouring pens in her hand.All I do is clean them up after she's done. what can I do?😟

All my scientific experiments nko! I have been cooking and baking all sorts of meals and snacks. And I think I'm rediscovering my baking talent which I had abandoned since only God know when🀣🀣🀣. Did I hear you say fatness is on the way? Never! I burn it out as I eat. Ask me how? I exercise by jumping, talking and sitting down🀣🀣🀣 so no worries. All na exercise abi?
Do you know i even realised that I now have time to sit down to free up space on my phone memory card? Funny right?🀣🀣 Its so funny how we don't have time for such things every other day. The early morning wake up nko, its no more till further notice! I sleep and wake up not so early. You think its laziness abi? No oh, its called resting  for the rainy day🀣. Lagos life is something else,ha!!

But seriously, I have taken up so many challenges in improving both in my writing and music too. Yeah! I sing very well too and my keyboard has been working for its money, thanks to my personal tutor, my dearest husband❤️❤️  so its just just play play, one gat to add value too.
So I picked up this entry weeks ago to contest for a prize in writing a novella and so far, its been so much fun for me and it is actually a new curve for me too. So I'm really excited about itπŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒand hope to bring home the prize.

No time for  boredom mehn!  I'm eternally grateful to God for the time to bond with my husband and daughter. Hubby and i had been so busy with work that we barely had time to do things we really loved to do together especially seeing movies, baking etc. And this lockdown has helped me understand my daughter really well..I mean, there are a lot of things i discovered she does really well. The songs she knows how to sing, the rhymes she has mastered that I never had time to pay attention to, its amazing. She even knows how to say her prayers now before bed. mehnn! My girl has really grown!! These moment for me is just so priceless!!

And my dear friends my sweet darling friends that had been far away because of work, we get to talk so often now. In fact, one of my very good friend from my University days called me recently and I was totally blown away, like whaaaaaaaat?!!❤️❤πŸ’ƒI haven't heard from him for a very long time.

Its such a great pleasure to be able to have all the time you have ever prayed and wished for to do WHATEVER you want with it but it would be very sad if this time is wasted and not pinned down to tangible results to show for it at the end.
 Make good use of this time to pray more, study more, take up those courses to improve on your skills, bond with your family, look out for opportunities to make money online, research on what opportunity lies ahead after this lockdown is over and reach out to someone who you never had the chance to reach out to.

COVID-19 lockdown is a blessing not a cause so lets look at the bright side of it. Ask God what you should do with your time if you feel you have enough of it, yet you have no idea of what to do with it. Time should never be wasted!
Stay safe, stay wise, stay focused!!


  1. And the bread baking competition. Banana bread Vs coconut bread and how my coconut bread wonπŸ˜œπŸ˜œπŸ˜‹. It had been an awesome period anyway

  2. Lolz you are really enjoying your lockdown. For me everything is pretty much the same as I haven't started work after delivery. I still get tired somedays as my toddler is like yousy. For the lockdown I get to enjoy sresee my husband's face all through the day that can be like to a hobby for me.


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